Credit cards, just about everyone has one. They are very useful and provide convenience in your everyday life and those emergencies that are always going to come up in your life. At the same time those little cards can be one of your worst nightmares when it comes to your finances. That in mind I am going to go over some of the basics of credit cards with you, for those acquiring your first credit card the information below could help educate you on the basics of credit cards.
What is a credit card and how does it work? A credit card is pretty much a loan that is given in the form of a plastic card issued by a bank or credit union. The credit card once issued is assigned an account number and given an initial line of credit that you can use to purchase goods and services where ever your card is accepted. Every time you make a purchase you will be given about twenty-five days (Grace Period) to pay off that amount. If you fail to pay off that amount then the balance you carry will incur an interest charge. You have to make sure pay at least your minimum amount and to not to go over your credit limit. Making a late payment or going over your credit line will result in a late fee and and an over the limit fee to be charged to your account, those fees vary from one bank issuer to another.
If you have just graduated high school and just about to start college, you will most likely start to see a lot of credit card offers in your mailbox. This age group is one of the most targeted among banks issuing their credit card services. Before you apply to one of those offers, think about how you attend to use the card. If you are a student, then student credit cards are going to be one of the most attractive offers right now. If you aren't a student then some factors you will need to think about is, do you plan on paying of the balance in full each month or do you plan on carrying a balance and pay towards your balance over time? The annual fee will be important to you if choosing to pay off your balance in full, while the APR will be more important if you are going to pay off your balance over time.
If you have excellent credit then credit cards could be your best friend if used wisely. With a credit card you have the convenience of not having to carry cash everywhere you go. You have the ability make purchases online at your favorite retailers, make payments over the phone, and even transfer money between two people via Paypal, Person2Person, Bump Money feature available with some card companies like ING Direct and other services and features available through other banks. With excellent credit, you will get to enjoy low interest rates, no annual fees, and reward points. If you qualify for a gold or platinum credit card, then you get to enjoy even more benefits like travel insurance, extended warranties on products you purchase, collision insurance when you rent a car, and even personalized deals offered by Capital One where if you spend a certain amount at a retailer, then you will earn cash back to your account at the end of the month.
Now if you have damaged credit, then your experience with with credit might be a little different. Have bad credit or no credit history will make it a little more difficult to obtain a credit card, but you will still be able to get one. The cost to you will be more, and your terms will not be as attractive as those with good credit. Your first card might only have a credit limit of $500 and you interest rate will most likely not be lower than 20% APR. You will need to do your research and choose whatever card is available to you based on your credit situation. Be smart about it and avoid cards that require you to pay a monthly maintenance fee just to have the card. If all fails and you still can not get approved for a credit card, then you will have to consider having someone cosign for you. Just make sure if you do go with this option and someone has agreed to cosign for you, that you make all your payments on time. If you don't think you will be able to make a payment on time then let your cosigner know ahead of time, so payment arrangements can be made. You wouldn't want to put your cosigner in a position where their credit is in jeopardy of getting ruined just because of you being irresponsible.
In conclusion, just about everyone will need a credit card at some point in their life. So why not start early, educate your self as much as you can, and make smart decisions when accepting credit card offers. You will need to build a nice credit history to help yourself with future purchases of things like automobiles and housing. Continue to make your payments on time and don't get in over your head with credit card debt. Try to limit the amount of credit card offers that you accept. Take advice from those who already made mistakes in the past and that have excellent credit now, you will learn a lot from them.
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